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Debts! Many thanks to you!!


What is the nature of debt? How do we generate debt to a person, place or institution?  Is it resistance to abundance? Is it slavery?

I want to rule my mind when it comes to this. I think forgiveness might be the key.


Debt is an obligation to somebody. We are always obligated to the Divine, for which we are not thankful to him.

When ‘THANKS’ is not there in the heart, Debt will enter in one’s life.

When you analyse the thoughts and emotions built up around the debt, it is always blaming – blaming on poverty consciousness, blaming the destiny, blaming the lack and luck and blaming the divine.

Debt is always Time-bound. If you don’t pay in time, it will mount.

A person who has not understood the value of time, who has postponing tendencies, who has wasted his food, or who has not shared his food, who resents others’ success, who is thankless and blames the parents is likely to enter into debt.

The energy of THANKS alone will help a person, in periods of debt.

Nasty creditor will sue me


I have been chanting “WALNUT, OAK, HORNBEAM, CHERRY PLUM, FIND COUNT DIVINE NOW” for my husband and my finances. It is helping us.

But now, I need to come up with 250,000 in 25 days because a nasty creditor is going to sue me unless I come up with this money to pay off my bill.


If somebody says you nasty, will you agree? Can you say to him directly that he is nasty? He is demanding his money. Thank the creditor daily.

Chant “TOGETHER FIND 250000” as many times as possible.

Our own mental state spoils the healing.